Wednesday, May 6, 2020

American Society Today - 1717 Words

The society of America today is total different for most Americans then what it was during the 1950s , 1960s , 1970s and on into the 80s. America today is one were black people have the vote and have the same rites as white men and women. Today the leader of the free world is Black some thing that many though would never happen in there generation. But there are still inequality in America today. Urban ghettos are still mostly full of uneducated black people. Black men in America are four times more likely to go to prison. Drop out rates for black students are higher then white and those going on to collage and university is lower then whites. This problem goose back centres. The problem is not because of today issue ( but they don’t help†¦show more content†¦All these things add together like lack of jobs , poor education and health care meant that these areas became ghettos. With these ghettos came crime. People couldn’t get jobs and they still need to pay the bills and put food on the table. Selling and using of drugs became a huge problem in these areas. Using and supplying of drugs became easer in the cite ghettos with the lack of police in the areas. And with the drugs came crime. The situation was not helped when people could buy a news paper just as easy as a gun. Death by drugs and crime in these areas were higher then any were else’s in America. In the 1970s 30 per cent of America crimes were reported by six cites in America that only had 12 per cent of the total population of America. And these cites had large black ghettos and populations. Much of the crime in America was drug related. This had a ripple effect on the ghettos law and order was not respect. People how became addicts began robbing to pay for there habits. To make matters worse drug gangs started street battles over selling areas of the cites. The governments tried tackle the issue by building urban house for the people of these ghettos. They failed hugely. The high rise apartments became drug and crime ridden. The effects were seen through out life some of them were isolation , marriage break ups . Some governments did try tackling the issue people like J.F.K gave more money to education and jobShow MoreRelatedTechnolgy and American Societies Today560 Words   |  2 PagesTechnology has taken an overwhelming presence within American societies today. Careers, education, volunteering, advertising and now even fundraising can be done solely from one’s computer. With this relatively new trend, companies must take advantage of the time clients spend online to further their own organizations. There are three simple techniques that companies should utilize and implement to profit from the new technological era. 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